Sunday, June 14, 2009

This is Our New Special Issue "All About Jack"!!

This our new special issue!!! It is "ALL ABOUT JACK!!!" It has incredibly cool pictures of Jack!!It includes an intro just to talk about the magazine, Jack's Favs page that shows all Jack's fav things, Jack interview his models, Jack's day-to-day schedule that tells you what he does everyday, and "Tennis Times!!" which are pics of Jack having fun playing tennis!!!!! So just wanted to inform ya!!! KISSES!!!!

-Jack Boutang


  1. I <3 all my fans and i thank all my supporters!!! Jacky is so glad he is famous but with a career that he loves too so thanks!!! HUGS KISSES AND BEST WISHES!!! oh and listen to my knew phrase motto thinggyyy: design it. live it. love it. ISN"T IT AWEWSOME? LUV YA!!!!


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